A topic for discussion about the blog post AWS (Amazon Web Services) SDK for Delphi: cross-platform and open-source.
What are your thoughts?
A topic for discussion about the blog post AWS (Amazon Web Services) SDK for Delphi: cross-platform and open-source.
What are your thoughts?
Hello Wagner. Thank you for your efforts and sharing them with us. I see that most clients can be created with overloaded create methods and I’m intrested in the one initiating the secret keys and the region. For instance:
constructor Create(const AWSAccessKeyId: string; const AWSSecretAccessKey: string; Region: IRegionEndpointEx); reintroduce; overload;
I haven’t managed to find where the interface “IregionEndpointEx” is declared and how to create and use it for initiating the SNS service for ‘eu-north-1’. Could you point me in the right direction by a simple bit of code?
Hi @rohem, welcome to landgraf.dev!
You should use unit AWS.RegionEndpoints
and then create the client this way:
Client := TAmazonSNSClient.Create(Accesskey, Secret, TRegionEndpoints.EUNorth1);
Thank you, Wagner. I came up with “TRegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(‘eu-north-1’)” which is probably the same class method your suggestion more elegantly calls. If I may come with a suggestion than it would be helpful with some kind of documentation or at least a structural picture of how units are related.